Although many folks want to switch over to solar energy because it’s a wonderful way to save money and help the planet, many folks think that this is just too expensive to do. While purchasing solar panels will be one of the costs that you’ll incur when switching to solar power, there are various other things which will have to be purchased and it is possible to save cash. The costs involved in creating a solar panel system is something we’re going to be going over in this post to give you a perception of what you can expect.
The very first thing I want to mention is you can actually buy complete solar panel units that will include almost everything you are going to need in order to get started. One thing I ought to point out is that when you purchase these complete systems, there’s one thing that’s not included and those are the batteries in order to store the energy you don’t use. One more thing you should bear in mind is how many batteries you’re going to wind up needing, and I should also mention that the batteries required will depend on the size of the system you create. The batteries run about $100 a piece, and you’re going to want to make sure that you are buying deep cycle batteries, these can be bought in an auto parts store.
If you opt to purchase the complete system, you’re going to discover that it will run you anywhere between $500 and $20,000 depending on the size of the system you purchase. For about $300 you’ll have the ability to pick up a single solar panel that offers you 100 W of electricity, and how many you need is determined by how large of a system you are building. For people that live alone in a little home you may possibly see that 3 or 4 panels is all you need to be able to eliminate your electricity bill, obviously this will in addition be an excellent way for other folks to lower their energy bill. As for individuals who have a larger home and a larger family, to be able to create all the electricity you need you may need between 15 and 20 solar power panels.
Once you have your solar energy panels and batteries you’ll need a few other a items to make your system complete and that is going to be a power inverter and a charge controller. Something I ought to mention is that I cannot actually give you a precise cost for a power inverter, mainly because according to what size power inverter you need, will depend on how much you have to pay for the inverter.
Typically, you are able to set up a small solar panel system, if you buy everything separately for about $1500 in order to get started. If you are one of the individuals who aren’t handy in any way, you will probably need somebody to install the system for you, and this needless to say is a thing that will be an added expense.